End of the Childcare Voucher Scheme

The childcare voucher scheme was available to the new applicants until October 4th 2018.

The vouchers can be used for children under age of 15 (or 16, if registered disabled). It was a great opportunity for workings parents to save money on registered childcare cost (including breakfast and afterschool clubs, childminders and day nurseries). 

After the 4th of October the childcare vouchers are going to be stopping. However, there is a new way for receiving help towards the childcare fees already. You need to have an online Childcare account with gov.uk. You pay in the fees for your childcare here. Then you select the nursery your child attend. For every £8.00 that you pay in, the government will pay in £2.00.

Follow the link https://www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator to check which scheme is more beneficial for you.

If you have any questions or concerns call us on 01803 500500.

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